Monday, November 30, 2009

Halloween Cat Cake

Yes, I know today is the last day of November, and yes, I also realize that Thanksgiving just happened.... so why am I posting a Halloween cake you ask?
Because I have gotten a bit behind on this blogging. That why. You know the holiday season gets crazy in your house. It does in mine too!

Does this cake look slightly familiar? It should! I learned how to make this at the cake convention, when Bronwen was kind enough to come and share her talents and knowledge with us.

This cake was super fun to make- however, Bronwen DID make it look a wee bit easier then it actually was.

This cake is made from 3 10", 3 6" cakes, a lot of modeling chocolate, and a Styrofoam ball which was cut and shaped like the head.
The other interesting thing to note is that the cat was all white fondant, then airbrushed with hot pink, then blue, then black. It gave the cake a very cool look. And the black turned out blacker.

The whiskers were spaghetti noodles, airbrushed.

I wish I had taken step by step photos to post... but maybe I'll do another one. Anyone ever heard of a Christmas cat?!