Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Something fishey going on here

Well, with turkey day almost here, I am busy runnign around like a chicken with it's head cut off. (Speaking of which poor turkey- we are resposible for the killing of 2 birds this year!)

The cake above was done this week- for someone flying in from out of town to surprise their mom for their 60th birthday.

It was beautiful, shimmery and looked like an enchanted underwater cake.

All the fish were hand cute, the pearls hand painted, and it had tiny royal icing detail. The inspiration for this was from a Colette Peter's book. when I first saw that book I loved the colors of that cake and I'm glad to have finally gotten a chance to make it!

Well, I have eggnog to make, tidying up to do. Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Monkeying around?

Ok- so it has been a while since I last posted anything.

I've not been doing much- well, as not-much as I can do with 4 children.

We've been able to have some fun times monkeying around lately. All that sugar from Halloween that we have *still* been consuming has left our body in extremes highs- followed by the all familiar sugar crash.
Picture 4 kids, all crazily bouncing off of couches- walls, balls, screaming, shrieking,laughing evil laughs..... followed by crying, more screaming, bleeding, bruising, and bumped.
Yup- that's been my house since the first day of November!
I'm not sure why we even allow that dreaded holiday really!
No kidding!

So on the topic of monkeying around I thought I'd post this cute cake I made recently. I loved making this thing and think it turned out so cute! All my kids decided this is the cake THEY want for THEIR birthday.

For those who are curious- it's a wondermold sitting on an 8" cake, followed by a mini ball pan for he head and a fondant "cone" smothered in icing and covered in fondant. Of course, cardboard is placed though-out as well as dowls and one big dowel through the whole thing.
Everything else is fondant too.

Well daddy took the huge bag of candy t work today and I say "good-bye! good riddens!" Now maybe our house can get back to semi-peaceful!

Which brings me to the monkey cake