Monday, January 26, 2009

Nascar headache

It's finished!

After 18 hours of work- and loads of stressing and headache- the Nascar cake is finished!

I'm very thankful I have a husband who likes to help me when I'm stressed out. He stepped in and helped with all the tiny cutting out of each letter to go onto this cake.
We worked on it together for 5 hours!

Every aspect of this really was a headache with no major emergencies, but it took lots of patience.
I used the official Nascar cake pan- only to be disappointed that it wasn't really in the shape of an actual Nascar, and still required lots of carving.
Alas, the finished product: The perfectionist inside me isn't at all happy, but next time I will know how to better time it...... WAIT! There won't be a next time!!! Never again!

To help de-stress, we went to a local Ethiopian church yesterday. The obviously do everything in their native language of Amharic, which is beautiful to listen to!
The worship time was nothing short of amazing, and even though I couldn't understand a word they were singing, it brought me to tears.
They were gracious enough to give us a headset in which someone in a different room was translating the service into English- we were very thankful to that lady. Our brothers and sisters in Christ were very warm and welcoming to us and I got over feeling like we were sticking out like a sore thumb!

1 comment:

Annie O. said...

Hi Ivy,

I absolutely love reading your blogspot. It is so inspiring and it always reminds me when I read it, that we are serving our King by what we do and not ourselves...Thank you for that. Best wishes,
your Sister, Annie O.