Saturday, August 22, 2009

Yo Gabba Gabba

Today I finished this cake. I also was blessed enough to be the one who made Henry's first birthday cake.
I was really excited about making this one, since I have never been commissioned to make "Yo" before, and my kids love the show.

As I began on the actual decorating (the little guys were made before hand so that they would dry in this humidity), I couldn't stop singing "There's a party in my tummy, so yummy, so yummy, there's a party in my tummy...."
If you've ever been forced to sit and watch this with your children you'll know it is one of the weirdest, and slightly annoying shows I've ever seen. Kids love it though, and if it buys me time to get things done while they sit glued and singing- more power to it!

Anyway, I had some issues with a few of my gumpaste decorations due to the recent rain and humidity, but other then that I thought it turned out very, very cute.

I hope Henry loves it as much!

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