Monday, October 26, 2009

Wedding cake mania

Here is a cake I did for a lovely bride.

I had to drive about an hr to deliver this, and did so with the cake totally set up- which worked lovely!

It was pumpkin cake with chocolate ganache filling and chocolate buttercream, then chocolate fondant. It smelled like heaven from a mile away!

The design for this cake was simple yet elegant as I hand piped the decor then hand painted it with gold luster dust. The monogram was also edible and hand painted. It all came together very nicely and just as I had planned! Thank the Lord!

The problem I did have with this cake could have never been imagined in a million years: there is a pumpkin shortage in the US! A pumpkin shortage in the fall? How crazy!

As I attempted to buy cans of pumpkin, it became clear, that I wasn't going to find it anywhere.... seriously, nowhere!! I never could have guessed that in order to give this bride the huge 4 tier cake to feed 200 people..her cake of her dreams.. in pumpkin (all of it).. as ordered, I would have to (gasp) cook down actual pumpkins!

After I got over the shock I decided to make a game of it. After all I used to love pretending to be a pioneer girl!
I did just that, as for 2 days my oven was stuffed with pumpkins, I pretended I was a pioneer lady, only with an electric oven. And a blender. And lights at the flip of a switch.

So I wasn't exactly a pioneer, but not being able to just open a million cans of pumpkin did put a little bit of a cramp in my style and it was many hours added of work that I wasn't excpeting.

The lesson learned? Expect the unexpected... no matter how crazy it seems. I mean no canned pumpkin on shelves anywhere? What has the world come to?

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