Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Adorable baby monkey

The new year is almost upon us, and maybe you're like me... feeling bit and like we are living in the space age that used to be on movies. I mean, have you ever played the wii? It's like it walked straight out of the Jetsons!

And what about this date that is soon to change to 2010... I mean 2010- it just seems SO futuristic!

Well fortunately, we have a few days before we have to start writing it on our checks and saying it when we talk to our kids. And all of this has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with today's cake.
It's not space age or futuristic. It's just cute and done to celebrate a cutie's 1st birthday. Her mommy loves monkeys so it only seemed natural for her to order a monkey for her baby girl's special day.

Her mommy is also a fabulous photographer, which is why I have the awesome picture. You can visit her website here at Holly Smalley Photography. Check her out!

This little friend's head was a 1/2 ball pan sitting on a 6" round. the body was made using 8" cakes and carved. She's sitting on a 9" square package cake.

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