Monday, July 13, 2009

MMMM Sushi!

What a nice weekend! We got some house work done, my car is now clean, and the rain mainly hit during the evening so we also got a day of kayaking in -hooray!

This is a cake made for the main squeeze in my life. The man doesn't like cake (go figure!) but rather likes cheesecake (something I'm tossing around perhaps adding to my menu.) I make a mean cheesecake, but every year offering my favorite man a plain looking cake topped with raspberries kills me. I mean, I am the cake lady!

So this year, I couldn't take it any longer, that plain jane little cheesecake staring out at me with no decoration at all, was.... sad.
My mind wondered... and an experiment was born! I gathered all the kids to help, which they loved. (They are never allowed to help me so this was a real treat!)

I inverted my cheesecake- crust on the top. I iced it with my special Italian meringue, and I carefully covered it in fondant. The kids were busy rolling fondant rice, and I got busy making the various pieces we'd need for "sushi"- daddy's favorite food!

When all was done, I hand painted on the wood grain for the table, and placed all of our fish on it. It turned out pretty good! An experiment that was a success!
And now I know, that my husband can have his cake, and eat it too- (the decor that is.)
I may start offering cheesecake to my customers in the future!

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