Thursday, January 21, 2010

Birthday week over!

Thank goodness we made it through birthday week here at my house. It always hits us like a wrecking ball-right after Christmas.

We don't always do parties, but this year I caved into mommy guilt and did parties for both of the girls. We had fun with a spa party for my oldest daughter and a tea party for my youngest.
My youngest daughter has never had a party so she was super excited this year. She even helped me bake her cake while Daddy took all the other kids rock climbing. She had a few requests for her cake. She wanted it pink (the actual cake) and barbie. Mommy was breathing a sign of relief as Barbie cakes aren't super hard to make. We just added food coloring to my standard white cake, and viola'! A happy 4 yr old!

Her flavor was "princess" which is actually a well know cake flavor consisting of raspberry and custard layer filling in a white cake.

Now that parties are over, and the cakes are gone, we can move on in our house.!

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