Saturday, May 8, 2010

Camping cake for my lil camper

You know how you hear older people talk as if their lives have just flown by? I've experienced that kind of a week as we celebrated my oldest child's birthday- he turned 12!

The realization that I nearly have a teenager already has made me want to freeze time and not allow any of them to grow one second older.

My 'lil man is an avid Boy Scout, who loves camping almost as much as he loves video games.

He decided this year that he wanted a party with some of his closest buds, and he wanted to camp out. I must say it was the easiest party I've done so far!

The cake was made to look like a camp out. The tent is made with a frame of popcicle sticks, and covered in carefully cut fondant pieces. The tree is chocolate clay for the trunk, and fondant covered in coconut shavings for the leaves.

What a day! Now we both have a whole year to decide what we do when he turns 13. His thoughts are all about the party and the cake, while mine are more along the lines of "what will I do with a teenager in the house?!"

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